The effects of noise on hearing can be profoundly damaging, often resulting in permanent hearing loss. Not only is this morally and ethically undesirable for any organisation, it can also result in significant financial penalties and personal injury claims.

The course provided by 4Front will help the employee to understand how his or her hearing works and how it is affected by excess noise. It will also mean that the employee will be able to recongnise noise risks and put in place appropriate safety precautions.

4Front provides the following noise awareness training to all employees exposed to high levels of noise:

  • Legal requirements.
  • Consequence of noise exposure.
  • Results of noise surveys.
  • Actually noise exposure levels relative to action values.
  • Risk controls and procedures.
  • Safe working practices.
  • Correct use of hearing protection.
  • Why and how to detect hearing damage.
  • Audiometry.